Investors archive for DSM & Firmenich


Results Center

Brought together here for easy access, explore all the press releases, presentations, reports, calls and webcasts DSM has published in the last decade on its financial results, Capital Markets


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Offering Circular & EGM

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Corporate Governance

We fervently believe in doing business the right way, from our Managing and Supervisory Boards, to our Code of Business Ethics, to our positions on key industry issues.


Firmenich International SA was founded in 1895 in Geneva, Switzerland, and has been a private, family-owned company for 125 years. In 2023, Firmenich merged with DSM and became dsm-firmenich. You can still acess former investor relations information of Firmenich here.

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  • Share center

    All the key details on holding and trading shares of dsm-firmenich.

  • Results center

    All the key financial performance information published dsm-firmenich

  • Responsible business

    Learn more about dsm-firmenich’s Policies, Procedures & Rules to prevent the misuse of inside information.