Debt & credit

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Credit Rating

dsm-firmenich senior management hold regular review meetings with the Rating agencies as part of our commitment to maintaining strong investment grade credit ratings.

The rating agencies Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s have assigned the following ratings for the company’s long- and short-term issuer credit ratings:

AgencyLong/short-term issuer credit rating OutlookLast Updated
Moody'sA3/P-2Stable24 April 2024
Standard & Poor's A-/A-2 Stable5 April 2024

In addition, DSM and Firmenich subsidiaries have been assigned the following issuer credit ratings:

AgencyLong/short-term issuer credit rating OutlookLast Updated
Moody'sA3/P-2Stable24 April 2024
Standard & Poor's A-/A-2 Stable5 April 2024
AgencyLong/short-term issuer credit rating OutlookLast Updated
Standard & Poor'sA-/--Stable5 April 2024

dsm-firmenich and its subsidiaries’ credit are only rated by S&P Global Ratings (S&P) and Moody’s to which dsm-firmenich provides accurate information necessary for their rating analyses, such as our management strategy, financial policies and financing matters.
dsm-firmenich and its subsidiaries have not obtained credit ratings from Scope and dsm-firmenich has not provided any information to Scope. Therefore Scope’s unsolicited opinions and publications regarding dsm-firmenich are based on their subjective assumptions and hypotheses with no reasonable basis for support.


€8 billion debt issuance program

dsm-firmenich’s €8 billion Debt Issuance Program is a framework with standard terms & conditions, which are applicable if Notes are issued. Additionally, the Debt Issuance Program includes risk factors, company description, financial information and the form of final terms of debt instruments. These terms & conditions, form of final terms, risk factors and financial information are laid down in the Base Prospectus.

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), which is responsible for supervising the professionals and products of the Luxembourg financial sector, approved the Prospectus on 20 June 2024. This approval is valid for 1 year.

Outstanding bonds in detail

Rate - Currency - Period

3.625% - € - 2024 – 2034




DSM-Firmenich AG


Moody's: A3, Standard & Poor's: A-






€800 million

Issue price





10 years 


2 July 2034

Cross guarantee agreement

On May 31, 2024 dsm-firmenich announced that it has signed a cross guarantee agreement between DSM B.V., Firmenich International SA and DSM-Firmenich AG, to mitigate structural subordination in the group. The agreement allows the group to develop a centralized financing structure, in line with its commitment to maintain strong investment grade ratings, and develop a pari-passu platform for existing and future senior unsecured notes.  The cross-guarantee agreement is available below:

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    The Executive Committee is organized and led by our CEO, who is responsible for overseeing the operational management of the Group.

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    Sustainability is fundamental to how dsm-firmenich brings progress to life – for people and planet.

  • Investors

    Two global leaders in science and innovation have joined forces to become dsm-firmenich, creating a world of potential for investors.