Results & investor presentations
Brought together here for easy access, explore all the press releases, presentations, reports, calls and webcasts DSM has published in the last decade on its financial results, Capital Markets Days and Shareholders' meetings.
02 Nov
14 Sep
03 Sep
03 Aug
06 May
05 May
02 Mar
16 Feb
31 October
20 June
14 February
02 November
15 February
03 November
17 February
11 February
26 February
26 September
20 February
27 September
29 February
29 September
23 February
You can access the last 10 years of DSM's Annual Shareholder Meetings recordings and information here.
DSM is obliged by article 17 of the European Market Abuse Regulation to disclose price-sensitive inside information to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and to publish this information via a press release. Full details of the AFM's rules on the disclosure of inside information and relevant definitions can be found on their website. The AFM also maintains an independent public register of these press releases.
You can access all the press releases, news and company announcements published in the last 10 years.
We have audited the financial statements of Danube AG (the Company), which comprise the balance sheet as at 31 December 2022, and the income statement for the period from 18 May 2022 till 31 December 2022, and notes to the financial statements