Share center
All the key details on holding and trading shares of dsm-firmenich.
Corporate governance
We fervently believe in doing business the right way, from our Managing and Supervisory Boards, to our Code of Business Ethics, to our positions on key industry issues.
Members of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Managing Board is entrusted with the management of the Company. In the exercise of their duties, the Managing Directors must be guided by the interests of the Company and the business connected with it.
It is the duty of the Supervisory Board to supervise the management of the Managing Board and the general course of affairs of the Company and the business connected with it.
The annual financial statements are approved by the Supervisory Board and then submitted for adoption to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
The company is governed by Dutch law and its Articles of Association. The General Meeting of Shareholders decides on an amendment to the Articles of Association by an absolute majority of the votes cast. A decision to amend the Articles of Association may only be taken at the proposal of the Managing Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board.
DSM fully informs its stakeholders about its corporate objectives, the way the company is managed and the company's performance. Its aim in doing so is to pursue an open dialogue with its shareholders and other stakeholders.
The Articles of Association of DSM B.V. contain the internal regulations and by-laws covering procedure, shares, meetings, directors and other administrative issues. These articles were last amended in accordance with the Resolutions agreed by the General Meeting of Shareholders held on 29 May 2024. The amended Articles of Association came into force as of 29 May 2024.
DSM's archive of Annual general shareholders meetings. You can review past 10 years documents, webcasts and find other documentation here.
All the key details on holding and trading shares of dsm-firmenich.
All the key financial performance information published dsm-firmenich
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